
Funding bodies

Fund Goal

The MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe supports the EU film and audiovisual industries financially in the development, distribution and promotion of their work. It helps to launch projects with a European dimension and nurtures new technologies; it enables European films and audiovisual works including...

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Fund Goal

The aim of the CACI is the development of the cinematographic field within the audiovisual sphere of the Ibero-American countries, and integration through an equitable participation in the regional cinematographic activity. In order to achieve this, members are committed to join efforts in: Supporting...

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Fund Goal

Doctv Latinamerica is dedicated to the production and distribution of Latin-American documentaries. It is an initiative of CAACI and is officially run by the DOCTV RED, a strategic structure composed of seventeen audiovisual entities and twenty-two public broadcasters in the Latin-American region. Currently...

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Fund Goal

To encourage co-operation between professionals working in different countries by providing financial support to European co-productions.

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Fund Goal

IBERMEDIA's goals are to promote the development of audiovisual productions destined to the Iberoamerican market and their co-productions, to promote the integration of Iberoamerican companies in supranational audiovisual networks. To create a positive environment for the development, training and exchange...

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Fund Goal

Comunidad de Madrid has the objective to offer it's natural and urban landscape, it's tangible patrimony, such as buildings and monuments, as well as intangible heritage, culture and history, to filmmakers, as well as to promote the production of feature films of excellent quality and cultural interest....

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Fund Goal

The Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes audiovisuales - ICAA) is the public body responsible for regulating and financing the cinematographic activity in Spain. This support covers the whole chain of the making of the film from pre-production...

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Fund Goal

To ensure the progress of Galician culture (in particular the Galician language); to encourage participation, consolidation and cooperation of companies and professionals in the creation sector, to encourage demand for cultural products in Galician society, to improve the viability of their projects,...

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Fund Goal

The Andalusian Agency for Cultural Institutions (Consejeria de Cultura Andalucia - Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales) supports the audiovisual sector in Andalusia, to reinforce the production facilities involved in the promotion and the marketing of Andalusian audiovisual products

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Fund Goal

The empowerment of production, competitiveness and employment in the Basque audiovisual sector through a line of interest-free loans and a credit line to finance contracts with broadcasters and distributors. Support for the creation and production of audiovisual works. Promotion and advertising support....

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Fund Goal

The Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies (ICEC) is a public institution attached to the Catalan Government’s Ministry of Culture that aims to promote and foster the development of the Catalan cultural industry. ICEC offers support to companies in different sectors: music, performing arts, audiovisual...

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Fund Goal

The aim of the Valencian Institute of Culture is to manage and develop the cultural policy of the Autonomous Community of Valencia, in the domains of acquisition, preservation, restoration, diffusion and support of audiovisual works.

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Fund Goal

CANARY ISLANDS FILM is the Audiovisual Department of the Canary Islands Government. We are able to supply information about tax incentives, locations, and everything you need for your film production. It is the umbrella Company for all Canary Islands film Commissions, institutions and audiovisual companies....

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Visas are not required regardless of purpose and/or length of stay in Spain for nationals of the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Lichtenstein. 
For more details please consult:

There are two types of work permits in Spain, Cuenta Ajena and Cuenta Propia. Cuenta Ajena is the permit given to those who have a specific contract from a specific company; Cuenta Propia is for those who are self-employed, also known as autonomo, and who would like more freedom to move within different companies and positions within the working world. It is generally easier to obtain a Cuenta Ajena permit, thus it is often recommended  to first secure this type of permit, and then apply for Cuenta Propia after the fact.

For shooting in Spanish streets, you’ll need to get permission from the government. Often that means you need a separate permission form for EACH AND EVERY street or area you want to shoot. It means that you may need several permission forms for what appears to be the same area.

It is recalled that the movement of goods within the Customs territory of the European Union does not require ATA Carnet except for travel to the Autonomous Canarian Community or from it. Cinematographic equipment necessary for a person visiting the territory of another country to make a specified film or films. Cf. the Appendix II to this Annex contains an illustrative list of such material (

VAT standard rate in Spain is 21%. Reduced rate of 10% for: passenger transport, hotel and restaurant services and other. There is also a 4% VAT rate for : food and drink, goods from chemists, construction work and some newspapers. Foreign companies may register in Spain for VAT without the need to form a local company – known as non-resident VAT trading. There is no VAT threshold in Spain for the registration of non-resident traders – a VAT number must be in place before the commencement of taxable supplies. Activities requiring Spanish VAT registration include : Importing goods into Spain, organising live events/conferences etc in Spain, holding goods in a warehouse in Spain as stock for resale, supply and install' services over 12 months, selling goods from Spain to other EU countries and distance selling to private individuals in Spain, e.g. internet retailing. Registering for Spanish VAT generally takes 1-2 weeks

Cinematographic works, other audiovisual works and computer programs are subject to slightly different treatment from other types of work. The title of a work is also protected so far as it is original (art. 10.2). Derived works are protected alongside the protection of the original work (art. 11), and include : 1.translations and adaptations ; 2.revisions, updates and notes ; 3.compilations, abstracts and extracts ; 4.musical arrangements ; 5.any other transformation of a work. Collections of works (e.g. anthologies) and other collections of data which, by reason of the selection or arrangement of the contents, constitute intellectual creations are also protected (art. 12) Works are protected by "the sole fact of their creation" (art. 1), regardless of the nationality of the author or the place of publication. Corporate persons can only be authors of collective works (arts. 4.2, 8). Ref:

Pension and lnvalidity 23,6% (50% employee/50% employer) / Unemployement 7%

Film Commissions


Andalusia Film Commission is a nonprofit institution that aims to promote Andalusia as a place of shooting and support companies and professionals of the audiovisual industry in the logistics of their productions. It has also signed agreements with public and private institutions from different provinces...

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The Barcelona Film Commission (BFC) is the service that the Barcelona’s City Council offers to the audiovisual industry in order to help the shootings in the city. It’s a public and free service with personal, telephone and online assistance. BFC’s website [] provides...

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Benidorm Film Office offers free one stop office services offered by the city council to manage recording permits and advise on locations.

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BiFic is a municipal office for the audiovisual promotion whose purpose is. To promote Bilbao as a setting for film-shooting, spots, ads, short films and other kind of filming activities. To be a meeting point for national and international professionals in this sector. To dynamize film sector and...

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Member of the Andalucia Film Cities Network of the Andalusia Film Commission.

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Donostia-San Sebastián Film Commission is a service provided by Fomento de San Sebastián to boost and promote the cinematographic sector and the entire local audiovisual sector, to facilitate audiovisual shoots and photo sessions in San Sebastian and the surrounding area. Services provided: - Administering...

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It's to work in promoting this region as a natural film set and encourage producing regional, national and international to come to shoot.

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Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

The objectives of the Gran Canaria Film Commission : • Attract to Gran Canaria the filming of scientific, informative or recreational audiovisual projects both nationally and internationally, converting the Island into a natural stage ideal for outdoor filming. • Help with obtaining permits necessary...

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Santa Cruz de La Palma

La Palma Film Commission office, dependent on the Promotion and Economic Development Society of La Palma (SODEPAL), promotes natural resources of the island of La Palma as natural set for audiovisual projects.

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Málaga Film Office is a municipal organization that offers free information, advice and permit handling to all professionals from the audiovisual industry who wish to film in Malaga. Services offered completely free of charge: - Processing of all necessary film permits for public areas within a timeframe...

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Palma de Mallorca Baleares

The Mallorca Film Commission manages a fund for supporting film or television productions shot on location in the island which positively promote its international image.

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Navarra Film Commission is the office of the public foundation film INAAC (Navarro Institute of Media Arts and Cinematography), created by the Government of Navarra in 2009 to facilitate the work to companies and audiovisual professionals who wish roll in our community. It offers - free of charge -...

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The Film Commission City of Light is a non-profit organization that provides various services to promote audiovisual production in the area in which it operates. The Film Commission is responsible for the promotion of the locations and the audiovisual industry in the province of Alicante, in particular,...

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Salamanca Film Commission is a public entity managed by the Council of the city; its main objective is to project the image of Salamanca in our country and beyond our boundaries. Salamanca Film Commission is in charge of carrying out all the necessary administrative procedures to make any audiovisual...

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Santiago de Compostela

The Santiago de Compostela Film Commission is a non-profit audiovisual promotion office created as a public service in 2002 by Santiago de Compostela City Council, on which it is dependent. Its main objective is promoting the city by stimulating the image culture, as well as boosting and conssolidating...

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SGFO promotion office is a visual non-profit and public service oriented managed by the Municipal Tourism Segovia capital. Its main objective is the promotion of the city, inside and outside our borders by promoting the image culture and the stimulation and consolidation of film and audiovisual offer...

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The Sevilla Film Office is a service offered by the city council’s Seville External Promotion Office (APPES). It operates as a One Stop Office, providing an extensive range of free services to help production companies plan and stage film shoots. Services provided by the SFO: - Permit processing for...

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The Spain Film Commission is a non-profit association consisting of an extensive network of Film Commissions/Film offices throughout the country.

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Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Tenerife Film Commission helps producers and directors to find the perfect location to shoot films, short films, documentaries and advertising commercials. It offers free advice on permits for filming in Tenerife and puts you in touch with producers and other local produce. Activities carried out:...

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